Achieving a Band 8 score is a huge accomplishment! In order to keep this score you need to keep a few things in mind. In the writing section of IELTS examinations the performance is measured on a certain criteria that the candidates must meet and not by the marks. There are 4 criteria which will help you score above Band 8 in the writing Task.
- Task Achievement or Response
The ideas explained by you in the essay must be easy to understand by the examiner as the examiner is the one allotting marks. If you are good at English language and are able to explain the ideas in detail the chances are that you score as high as Band 8 in your IELTS examinations. The essay must be at least 150 words for Task 1 & 250 words for Task 2.
- Answer all parts of the writing test
- Present Relevant Ideas
- Fully explain ideas
- Support ideas with examples relevant to the topic
- Lexical Resource
This criterion is mainly focused on stock of words in language. It is the range of words one must use for writing test. You will be able to score better if you use appropriate and correct words from the word vocabulary in order to get a band 8 score.
- Vary vocabulary using accurate synonyms
- Use less common questions and words
- Check spelling and mistakes with word formation
- Collocation: The words that are commonly used together in English are known as Collocation. The collocation rules cannot be learned they need to be practiced. Example:
- Make: A cup of tea
A mistake
- Less Common Expressions or Vocabulary: Avoid using usual words if you want a Band 8 score; learn more and more idiomatic expressions and be clear about the context in which the words are being used. Example:
- Food for Thought
- A force to be reckoned with
- Synonyms: Words or expressions have similar meanings. The accuracy of the words often depends on the context of the task given. Example:
- I would like to work for a Giant firm or large company when I gain experience.
- Our Goal or Objective or Target is to reduce the debts to a minimum.
- Coherence & Cohesion
The candidate must be able to give the answers the examiners are looking for. Coherence & Cohesion are important aspects of the writing task as they influence the readability & logical flow of the text.
- One Central idea per paragraph
- Include introduction and conclusion
- Support points with relevant examples.
- Grammatical Range
Avoid making errors while writing an essay. You must write sentences that have appropriate grammar used in order to score Band 8. Your grammar must be excellent and the sentences formed should be distinctive.
- Variety of complex and simple sentences
- Use appropriate sentence structures
- Constantly check for errors
- Understand the question: Understand the question and stick to the topic no extra information is required
- Be clear on the requirement: Keep your answers simple and avoid using complicated vocabulary or write a lot of words.
- Write formal: Formal writing is crucial in the writing tasks. Make sure to follow the standard writing structure for the Writing task 1e. Introduction, Overview and important details and for writing task 2 i.e. Introduction, Body paragraphs and conclusion
- Do not deviate from the topic: Keep the answers as per the context of the topic. Going of topic may get you less score.
- Make important notes: Highlight the important points.
- Vocabulary or expression: 25% of your marks come from the vocabulary and it is directly related to the essay topics.
- Check for spellings and errors: Be careful while answering and keep a check on the spellings and sentence formation.
- Answer all the questions: Attempt all questions even if you are not familiar with any topic as there is no negative marking. You can answer all the questions without a fear of loss of score.
Candidate must know the Time management strategy as it is an important skill in order to perform well in the IELTS exam and score Band 8. If you spend all your time in practicing your strongest skill and less time on your weakest one, it might be a problem. Many candidates waste long time thinking about what to write and plan the structure of the task. You should be well versed with the IELTS exam format in order to save time while giving exams. To get Band 8 you really need to focus on Task 2 and then work on the Task 1 too. You need to know the time limits of each task. Focus on things one by one and don’t start thinking about everything at once this may waste a lot of your time.
In order to score Band 8 in the writing task you must follow these tips. To learn more about IELTS and prepare for your IELTS examinations contact us.
These questions are often searched with the Writing Task.